City Women’s Federations Organizes Dragon Boat Festival Events
Publish Time:2021-04-12 16:35:00

During the Dragon Boat Festival, women’s federations at all levels carried out diverse theme activities full of old rituals, aiming to arouse the public’s attachment and appreciation of traditional culture via lively celebration and promotion.

2020年6月25日潮安区妇联以“我们的节日·端午节”为主题,组织巾帼志愿者开展“送爱心粽子 迎端午”活动。.jpg

Organized by the women’s federation and the cultural center of Shaxi Town, residents of Wujialong Village made zongzi (traditional Chinese glutinous rice pudding) together to celebrate the holiday.

2020年6月25日沙溪镇妇联联合综合文化服务中心在五嘉陇村新时代文明实践站开展了“五月飘香  粽子传情”端午节包粽子活动.jpg

Officials at the women’s federation of Xihu Subdistrict gave zongzi to sanitation workers and people in need to show them care and love prior to the holiday. The kindness reflected traditional Chinese virtues and socialist core values.


In Nanchuan Subdistrict, children had a happy time on festive occasions where they learned the history and exciting stories of the festival and traditional culture and made zongzi on their own. The handmade holiday specialties were brought to the homes of people with disabilities and people in need by female officials at the women’s federation.


In Fengxin Subdistrict, together with Kuiyuan Community and Golden Ballet Media Company, the women’s federation invited residents to a gathering where they engaged in small talks while making zongzi, celebrating the holiday in a meaningful way.


To honor the traditional Chinese virtue of caring for the elderly and bond the fellowship among villagers, the Women’s Federation at Yingdong Village of Xinfeng Town held a voluntary service event to celebrate the holiday. Quite a lot of women took part and made 400 zongzi within two hours. In groups of two or three, they sent savory snacks and warm greetings to lonely older adults living in various small villages.

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