China’s Chaozhou Cuisine R&D and Training Base
Publish Time:2021-04-13 16:46:00

Recently, China’s Chaozhou Cuisine R&D and Training Base was officially inaugurated at Hanshan Normal University, representing a new cultivating model featuring cooperation and integration between the school and enterprises and a meaningful improvement in the operation of the school. Following the establishment, the school will contribute more to local economic and social development.

    The Base comprises various facilities, including training and practice rooms, multifunctional halls and simulation kitchens, for Chinese and Western cuisine research and teaching, table setting service, bar service, banquet service, etc. They enable the R&D and incubation of local gastronomy, including standardization, new ingredients, condiments, and healthy and innovative dishes.

According to Huang Wuying, Director of the Department of Gastronomy and Nutrition, the Base would give full play to the exemplary and leading local cuisine masters to enrich, standardize and groom chefs for more trained cooks and popular local dishes. He said that more skilled personnel could meet the industry's needs through an employment-oriented training model and contribute to the local economy. Also, the Base would enable research for teaching and become a model platform integrating the industry, the university and the research institute.


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