Logo and Slogan for Chaozhou Cuisine Promotion Revealed!
Publish Time:2021-05-31 00:00:00

    On May 19th, the logo and slogan for local cuisine promotion were officially released at the Chaozhou Tourism Carnival. The winners went to logo designer Liu Gang from Baoji, Shaanxi Province and slogan provider Ma Hui from Beijing who had stood out with “The World Enjoys Chaozhou Cuisine.”


    Chaozhou, a city with profound historical heritage, is known for its rich culinary culture. To promote the paradise for gourmets, the local authorities launched a nationwide logo and slogan contest starting at the end of this February. Besides, special invitations were sent to famous art design institutions, including Guangdong Commercial Art Designer Association, to attract more institutional members to the competition. According to some statistics, Nanfang Daily’s Chaozhou Office, the official entry receiver, collected more than 4,000 works from over 60 cities of 25 provinces across the country. The array of professional designs came in various styles. After preliminary screening, expert review, revision and public review, the best logo and slogan, together with other pieces on either short list, were awarded. The winners would be used for the city’s application for UNESCO’s City of Gastronomy.


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